Create A Smile – Cool Cuts Shadows and Flowers

kr 119

Sett med dies fra Create A Smile. Brukes sammen med en stansemaskin.

Pakken inneholder 5 ovale skygger, samt 2 elementer som kan brukes for å lage prestekrager av dette settet.

Produsert i USA.

Produsentens beskrivelse:

So that critters and characters don’t have to “float” on your projects but have a firm footing, we have an ingenious solution for you: our shadow dies! 

The 5 differently sized ellipse-shaped shadows give the small and large stars on your cards the perfect background, but can also be used as a pavement. And with the corresponding circles, you can even put together a whole flower bed in a flash.

Included in this set:

  • 5 drop shadows / narrow ellipses 
  • circle / flower center 
  • scalloped circle / flower center

Number of dies after separating: 7

Size: Set ~ 7,5 x 2,2 cm

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Produktnummer: CAS-SW11879 Kategori:


Produsentens hjemmeside:


Vekt 12 g

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